项目分类 | 城市规划

龙湖济阳航天科技小镇/Longhu Jiyang Aerospace Technology Town

关键词 | 风情小镇、文旅规划

项目位置:山东 · 济阳




容 积 率:1.40



     项目位于济阳220 国道西侧,新元大街北侧,澄波湖以及大寺河的优质景观资源为整个项目提供了良好的先天条件。规划布局上构建活力生态的城市空间结构;规划交通上创造高效快捷的城市交通脉络;规划景观上营造自然优美的城市景观格局;规划建筑上构筑多元绿色的城市建筑形态;规划设施上完善以人为本的基础设施体系。


Mankind's longing for and exploration of the mysterious universe has never stopped. Longhu Real Estate and China Aerospace have joined forces and have been dedicated to the development of Jiyang. The project is located on the west side of the national highway No. 220 of Jiyang, on the north side of Xinyuan Street, and the high-quality landscape resources of Chengbo Lake and Dasi River provide good conditions for the entire project. Build a dynamic and dynamic urban spatial structure on planning layout; create efficient and rapid urban traffic context on the planning of transportation; create a natural and beautiful urban landscape pattern on planning landscape; construct multiple urban green buildings on architectural planning; improve people-oriented planning facilities Infrastructure system.As the core content of the entire plan, the aerospace sector is divided into the southern and northern districts. The space zone of the Southern District is divided into seven regions. The performance of China’s space science and technology has been fully reflected. The form of the amusement park enables every citizen to participate in it and realizes the rapid development of China’s aerospace industry.

COPYRIGHT (©) 2018 迈恩国际. / 沪ICP备10201016号-1 / 技术支持:上海橙谷